Mission: Target Practice
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Tutorial Chain
Objective:Destroy 3 Target Drones
Reward:EWE EP-1 Neutron (L), Universal Ammo (0.23 PED) and Laser Weaponry Technology (eq. 0.01 PED implant)
Reward Skills:Laser Weaponry Technology
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Security Chief Harkov
Nearest City:Genesis Alpha Station
Added:Planet Calypso 2012.4


Security Chief Harkov asked you to destroy 3 Target Drones


  • Talk to Security Chief Harkov
  • Destroy the Target Drones (0/3)



Security Chief Harkov (68457, 71317)

Hey! You need a way to defend yourself.
  • I guess I do

Take this Pistol.

(The loot window to the left shows items that have been placed in your inventory)

Do you know how to use that Weapon or do you want a quick lesson?

  • I could use a lesson (see conversation below)
  • I'm not interested. I just want to start shooting (ends dialog)

First you must equip the Pistol.

1. Open your inventory by pressing the "I" key on your keyboard

2. Left-click the "Weapons" tab in your inventory (Category tabs are on the right)

3. Right-click the Pistol icon and then choose (Left-click) "Equip" in the context menu

  • Ok

When an item is equipped you should be able to see the item's name on your Heads-Up Display, or HUD.

The weapon HUD is located in the bottom right corner of your screen.

You should be able to read "EWE EP-1 Neutron (L)", the name of the pistol.

  • I've equipped the weapon. What's next?

To attack a target:

1. Select it with Left-click

2. Press "E" to attack the selected target, one press is one attack

You need a Weapon equipped to be able to attack.

  • I see

You can only use a Weapon or Tool when the cooldown bar is full. It's the blue bar below the equipped item's name.

Weapons use varying amounts of Ammo. For instance, the EWE EP-1 Neutron (L) pistol burns 48 ammo per shot.

Bigger Weapons that deal more damage burn more Ammo.

  • Ok, sounds good

It's time for some target practice!

There are some Target Drones over there, shoot down three of them.

(Don't worry if you missfire your Weapon into nothing, you don't use Ammo unless the projectile hits something with Health Points.
Evade and Miss on targets does use Ammo though.)

  • Ok


On returning to Security Chief Harkov before destroying 3 Target Drones:

You still haven't destroyed three Target Drones. Take your time!

  • Right (ends dialog)
  • Could you please repeat the lesson? (repeats explanations above)


Upon destroying 3 Target Drones:

Good work! Now, if you're ever attacked by Target Drones, you'll manage just fine. 

Here, have some extra Ammo. It might come in handy.

Now that you're done here you should go talk to Mr. Yoshida. He's just over there. 

  • Ok, thank you!

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